Black and White to Color

For my black and white to color project, I chose a picture of myself that had a relatively blank background to make the masking process more simplistic for myself. Also, when I started working on this project, I realized it was a great image to use because my sweater covers my skin and I did not have to worry about matching skin tones. I am happy with the color palettes that I chose for this assignment and definitely went outside of my comfort zone. I would have liked to do a monochrome color palette for each, but opted to pick colors that would create a lot of contrast in the image. I had a lot of trouble completing this assignment at first because I wanted to make sure all of my masks were correct, but after receiving feedback from some people, I redid the masks and am finally happy with the final products. I think my favorite is the image on the right because I think the bright blue hair looks super cool and the pink background makes me pop. 
- Macy 


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